Shutter Speed

Shutter speed is moving down the curtain rose on the camera that function to regulate how long a movie about irradiated. 
Shutter has the units with the numbers : B-1-2-4-8-15-30-60-125-250-500-1000-2000.

The size of the shutter unit can be determined by adjusting the large and small and large diaphragm shutter unit.

There is some shutter in the camera.
Among the central shutter and shutter slit.

Shutter gap there are two, namely:
vertical and horizontal slit shutter.

Both are located on the camera in charge of closing the curtains and follow its function. vertical shutter closes vertically and a horizontal closed horizontally.
about shutter the center is located on the lens is located adjacent to the diaphragm and closed it with concentric manner.